• Proudly celebrating 25 years of making feet happy
  • Proudly celebrating 25 years of making feet happy
  • package of shoes delivered to a front doorstep
  • snowball fight, with message to stay toasty warm this winter


Welcome to Ellie Dickins Shoes - home of ladies shoes in narrow to wide, small to large sizes

You made it! 

Welcome to Ellie Dickins Shoes. We offer ladies shoes in small to large sizes 13 (32) - 12 (46), in narrow through to extra wide width fittings (B - 8E). Most of our shoes are available in half sizes and have leather linings. All are made in Europe.

Ellie Dickins opened her shop in March 1999 to offer hope (and stylish footwear) to women with non-standard feet, whether this is small, large, narrow, wide, corns, bunions... and even those blessed with perfectly average feet. Growing up with size 11 feet Ellie knows how few shoe shops cater for larger sizes, let alone offer a selection of stylish and comfortable options.

At Ellie Dickins Shoes you can be assured of first class service, whether visiting the shop in Hungerford or shopping online. Please feel free to contact us on 01488 686480 or email: sales@elliedickinsshoes.co.uk.

We look forward to matching you with your perfect, stylish, super comfortable shoes you'll absolutely love wearing.

The shop is open Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 4pm excluding bank holidays. 

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